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What if business idea doesn't work because of single member of the team?

Source: Internet

Kimmo Huosionmaa

When a business idea doesn’t seem to work must the leader make analyses why that idea doesn’t work. And an idea doesn’t work if money doesn’t come to the cash. Sometimes there is a person in the team who doesn’t want to make money on that team. This person is sometimes called a red king or red queen. This means that this kind of person collects a court, and begin's to talk bad things to dissipate the team. That person's behavior could be very aggressive.

This person might yell to other members of the team, and break a harmony of the team in purpose. In that scenario, we must think that this kind of person makes all team’s work some kind of hell and if the hell is a part of everyday work all team will be destroyed. But if this kind of screaming and yelling focuses only one member of the team, my advice is that publish those things. If another member of the team will do nothing to stop that kind of actions, they will not do that in the future. Just don’t treat them to publish, that doesn’t help you at all.

They will just laugh and say how childish you are. So make a decision what might change your life. Just publish those things, even if daddy says something else. You are an adult person, who has right to write what you want. And even if somebody says that you are not in that company’s lists anymore, I think that you would not be in those worklists anyway even if you kept your mouth closed.  

He or she might just wait for a reason for the shutdown of the company, and reason, why that person is working against of other members reason for that kind of work, must find out.  If somebody doesn’t play a role in the team, or this person sabotages all job what is done, we must ask one single question: did someone else offer another job for him.

That kind of person is very unhappy part of the community. If there is a saboteur in that firm, all jobs will go wrong. Saboteur might order the wrong kind of equipment and make very much worse for their firms. That’s why all kind of actions what will break the harmony of the team must be stopped immediately.

But first thing what group leaders must do, after separation of that person, is a find out the reason why that person worked like he or she worked. Was there some other work offers, and that’s why that person wanted to kill a team. But that doesn’t explain everything. Why didn’t that lion of the team just changed a job?

Was a reason for those actions, what that person did a job offer what consists that firms shut down. And is that because of need some patents of that company? But why offer didn’t just offer to buy that company? Is there something personal, what is covered in those patents. Are some well-known specialists certifications made for other persons?

That doesn’t mean that those certificate from the university is faked. The work what is made for those certifications is made by other people. In this scenario, the wealthy person establishes a company where he or she hires persons to make that schoolwork. When somebody goes that far, that person has a support.


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