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Estonia the ship, what sank 20 years ago.(28 September 1994)

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Under the text links to the video, where the Estonian television journalist reads the names of the people, who were rescued from passenger ship Estonia, but later vanished.  There are many explanations about those vanishings and some of them are very interesting, and some of those explanations might hurt some people, who knew those persons. Maybe those persons vanished because they have made something, what wanted to hide. And when we are thinking about the cases, that those vanishings have connections with drug dealers, those things might not have the straight connection with Estonia-ships sinking.

The Estonia ship sank in the Baltic sea 20 years ago, and that accident was really terrible. Some theories claim that some boxes inside that ship were military technology, but there is no evidence about this. The reason for sinking was that the bolt, where the so-called Atlantic gate was connected cut, and the water came in the ship. The reason, why that bolt was broken is the thing, what is the mystery. Was the cutting caused by accident or some kind of sabotage is not actually explained. If the reason for cutting that bolt was some kind of sabotage, would that made because the ship wanted to turn back. But there is no evidence about sabotage.

Maybe the material was weak, or there were errors in the production process, who knows the real reason, why that bolt betrayed and that ship was sinking in the Baltic Sea. Official reports are made by many professionals, and they said that the bolt was cut because those waves were too high, and that material probably didn't stand the stress. There are some theories, that somebody would cut the bolt by using laser or some explosive, but that cannot be proven. If the laser was used for cutting that bolt, there were left no signs for that.

If somebody was stolen the Soviet laser technology, they would need only one piece and the drawings of those weapons for making copies about those, probably portable systems. There are many theories about stolen weapons on that ship, but were they caused the sinking of that ship is the different thing. So this sinking is officially the accident. When we are thinking about those persons, who were on the lists of survivors, but then vanished, we must ask one question. Did they be on that ship at all?

Or did they buy tickets for somebody else, who were rescued, and then killed the real persons, whose tickets that speculative person used? This is the thing, what I don't want to tell another person, but maybe some of those persons were alive when the survivors bought the hospitals. And if they had connections with some drug dealers those bosses of the criminal organization made the decision, that those persons must die, because they could tell something about those men businesses. This can be one explanation for why those persons were marked as survivors, but later they vanished.

List of those people, who rescued, but then vanished in the case of M/S Estonia

FinnTop5 video about the strange things around M/S Estonia

M/S Estonia in Wikipedia


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