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Intelligent cities are not just good or bad. They are both.

Are we ready for the next step in artificial intelligence? That step can be the intelligent, AI-driven city that can predict anything that people do. We must remember that the system can make people's lives easier. But it is a tool that allows it to break people's privacy.  Another thing is that our society requires reform. We must handle things like climate change and overpopulation. Intelligent technology is one of the solutions for handling energy use. And make people's life easier.  There are good and bad things in intelligent cities. The idea of AI-driven cities is those things are more effective. And make life easier than it is now, and the idea comes from the individuals. The AI-driven houses or flats adjust their energy use following the owner's day rhythm.  When a person goes to work, the intelligent house will decrease its temperature. While humans are at work, the system will clean the house using robot hovers. And when people come home the system will raise
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