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The future of interstellar spacecraft.

    The future of interstellar spacecraft.  The interstellar spacecraft might not come to practice very soon. But the fact is that theoretical research. Along with careful missions is opening the road to the interstellar journey. And maybe the time of that mission will come in 200-300 years. The fact is that nobody knows when we are ready to travel to the other solar system. When we remember history many things have been "impossible".   The Chinese knew how to make gunpowder rockets in the 200s(1). And the Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky(2)(1857-1935) created theoretical research with rocketry and spaceflight in the 19th century. The thing is that things like interplanetary spaceflights. And space elevators(3) are also invented by Konstantin Tsilkovsky.  Image 2: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) That man is called "the Father of the spaceflight". Tsiolkovsky also created research and articles about "lighter than air aviation". There was a rumor that Tsiol...

Is time travel possible or not?

There is one place in the universe where time travels backward. That place is the black hole. In the place where the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, the time moves backward. The reason for that is the time dilation. When a particle travels with the speed of light that stops the time on its surface. When the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light that gravitational effect pulls the particles with the speed that crosses the speed of light. The term event horizon means the point where the escaping velocity is turning higher than the speed of light.  The name event horizon is given to that point because we cannot get observations beyond that point where even the light cannot escape from that area. And logically when the speed of light is crossing that thing causes that time to start to move backward. The time dilation is directly proportional to the speed and escaping velocity. That means the time must move backward beyond the event horizon....

How to create a neutron ray? (The death ray)

Weapon research is a sad but necessary thing for governments. And here I will write about neutron radiation. The thing that makes neutron radiation famous is the neutron bomb. The neutron bomb is a small fusion bomb that will kill all living organisms. But it leaves the material untouched.  And that means it's justified the most inhumane nuclear weapon in the world.  Neutron bombs are using quantum annealing for creating the deadly effect. The energy of the nuclear fusion of the small hydrogen bomb would affect free neutrons. There are two types of neutron radiation. The fast neutron particles are extremely dangerous. And the electromagnetic radiation that source is in neutrons.  When the energy would hit to neutrons that thing causes the effect where neutrons are sending electromagnetic radiation. Neutrons deliver extra energy by sending radiation that oscillates with other neutrons around the neutron bomb explosion.  But there is another way to create the neutron r...

Could the ball-lightning be some kind of skyrmion?

There is the possibility that if the quantum field around the particles or particle group would extend. There is the possibility that between that quantum field and the nucleus of the field would form the skyrmion. But what is the thing that forms the skyrmion?  The effect itself looks a little bit like a typhoon or whirl. But what is the particle that forms this plasma whirl? If we are thinking about the case that between the nucleus of the atom and the quantum field would form the skyrmion that thing means that. The effect would be the quantum size. But for creating the thins like ball-lightning that skyrmion must be enormous.  So is it possible that there is forming the skyrmion that can affect on to object that is our size? The fact is that if somewhere in the homogenous bite of the particles like absolute pure aluminum or iron bite where are no other atoms than iron or some other metal the large group of homogenous atoms could form skyrmions.  But that thing is a pur...

Why quantum level antigravitational effect is interesting except for making the levitating spacecraft that travels faster than light?

The antigravitational at the quantum level is one of the most interesting things in the world. The quantum-level antigravitation doesn't mean levitating spacecraft. It means the ability to adjust the weight or the quantum fields of electrons.  The difference between antigravitation and regular radiation is that the gravitation affects the weight of the electron or quark without affecting the electromagnetic forces of those particles. If the quantum-level antigravitation is possible that allows using the quantum gravitation as the glue between the particles that have the same electrical polarity.   In the normal situation, the electron chains are made by anchoring them together with the magnetic field that presses that structure together. This kind of thing is making it possible to create the ultimate superconducting material. But stabilizing this type of structure is difficult because the same polarity causes that electrons repel each other. But what if the electrons or p...

The robots, AI, and humans are interacting and forming an ultimate team.

The next-generation AI interconnects the human, computer, and physical robots. The AI works as the connector which connects human operators and different types of robots to one entirety. The robots are operating by using pre-loaded mission modules.  The idea is that in the memory of computers is stored the "behavior" or action models. Those models fit regular situations. But when the robot is facing something unexpected. It calls human assistance. So the robot's controller creates the new movement macro for handling the situation that is not mentioned in the programming.  So if no stored macro fits the situation the computer tells the programmer to create the fitting macro. When we are thinking about AI-controlled semi-automatic robots. The human operator would give the common orders what load the operational database in its memory.  So if the robot's mission is to rescue some person from the hands of hostile operators that mission can load into the RAM (Read Access M...

The 2D particles and Bloch wave function make it possible to create the 2D quantum processors.

Image:' The anyons could be the heart of the next-generation quantum computers. "Physicists are excited about anyons not only because their discovery confirms decades of theoretical work, but also for practical reasons. For example, anyons are at the heart of an effort by Microsoft to build a working quantum computer(1)". Why anyons the two-dimension particles are interesting things? The thing is that anyons are 2D particles like pancakes. The anyon-particle can be used as the base for the new type of superconducting materials. If they connected with the Bloch wave function. The idea of superconducting is that electrons are forming pairs.  The problem with the electron pairs is that. They are always on the opposite side of the nucleus of the atoms. So the most powerful superconducting material would be Helium. But that requires removing the nucleus of the atom from inside the electr...

Lucy-mission to Trojan asteroids.

Lucy-mission to Jupiter Trojan asteroids wound uncover many secrets of the origin of our solar system and even the entire universe. In the next 12 years, that probe would visit 8 asteroids including 7 Trojan asteroids.  The thing is that the study of the effect of sunlight on asteroids is one of the most interesting things. When the temperature of the asteroids is decreasing the speed of radioactive splitting would also decrease. And that means the frozen asteroids can hide the radioactive material from the past. And maybe by researching those Trojan asteroids and asteroids at Kuiper Belt we can find chemical combinations from the early solar system.  And who knows are those asteroids also hiding the evidence of the ancient humanoid visits? Maybe asteroid missions would answer that question in the form of plutonium and neptunium remnants. If there are remains of the synthetic radioactive isotopes that thing would support the theory of ancient visitors. Before any investigation...

The hypothetical zero-energy point of the universe: all electrons and gluons are frozen, and even the movement of subatomic particles ends.

Above this text is an image of Boomerang nebula. The coolest place outside the laboratory which temperature is 1Kelvin (Wikipedia/Absolute zero) The Bose-Einstein condensate is the extremely low energetic atom which electrons are in minimum energetic orbitals. But could somewhere in the universe be the condition where all movements including movements of gluons and electrons end? Could that hypothetical condition cause the situation that the electrons would drop to the nucleus of an atom?  In that case, the energy level of the atom would be dropped so low. That the electrons are frozen. The idea for that thing is coming from the visible effect when the temperature of the material is decreasing the oscillation of the material is decreasing. At the first stops the oscillation of molecules, then the oscillation of the atoms stops. So could the chain of that oscillation of the material continue that the movement of electrons would end? And could the oscillation of gluons end inside the...

What is the role of electrons in nuclear processes?

Distant asteroids in zero-kelvin degrees can exist longer than similar asteroids near the sun.  When we think about organic time, or what time means to the material. We are facing one very interesting thing. Energy is the thing that creates material.  When material or atoms are sending photons they are sending their mass. And that thing causes that sooner or later particles turn to wave movement. The thing that causes this thing is the negative energy. That means the energy that travels away from the nucleus of the atom.  The size of the electron is much smaller than protons. But still, they can turn the polarity of atoms neutral. But how the electricity of electrons can be so powerful that it can neutralize the electricity or polarity of the proton. The answer is kinetic energy. When an electron orbits the nucleus that will increase its electric load. But that thing is the thing that is making the material get older.  When an electron orbits an atom it loses its ene...

How to teach social skills to robots and AI?

One of the versions is to make a large-scale database structure where is different versions of words are used in social situations. Then the programmer makes the first connections between databases. After that, the system starts to talk with its creators.  The thing is teaching social skills for AI is quite an easy thing in theory. It's just connecting databases. But social skills are more than just saying words. They are noticing the facial expressions taking the hat off when going to the church. And other kinds of things.   But if we want to make the AI what discusses like a real person that requires a lot of databases and connections between them. If the system would make the job interviews that thing requires lots of data. And if somebody says or asks about things that are not in the database, the system might ask the programmer to answer by talking or writing it to the computer.  The thing is that if we want that AI to talk with us about everyday situations. Tha...

The quantum twisters can form in "liquid light"

(The image I): The Giant “quantum twisters” may form in liquid light. Credit: University of Cambridge (SitechDaily) In the cases, photons are whirling around the objects. There is a possibility that the photon whirl is turning particles or objects inside it invisible. When the higher energetic photon hits the photon that crosses its trajectory the higher energetic photon is turning the direction of the other photon.  So the effect of the whirling photons is similar to the sonic whirl. The sonic whirl closes the sound inside it and the same thing is happening when the photon faces the photon whirl. If there is the possibility to create a photonic whirl that thing could make objects invisible. But if we are making the photon flow that pushes other photons away from their direction.  That thing makes it possible to make the absolute dark room. By using photonic tornados is possible to create absolute stable conditions where is no scattering light around telescopes. But making the...

Fusion power is far away in the future.

Image: Pinterest Originally, the image above this text portrayed a donut-shaped space station called "Stanford torus". But it can also portray the donut-shaped power satellite, that uses the "Tokamak-type" nuclear reactor. This type of power station could deliver energy to the futuristic space stations that orbit Jupiter and other planets in the distant future.  The power satellites or zero-gravity conditions can solve some of the problems of the fusion reactor. The zero-gravity conditions are making it easier to control the high-energetic plasma. That orbits in the donut-shaped reactor.  At the beginning of this text, I must write about one of the most futuristic solutions for energy production. That thing is the energy satellites. The giant power stations that are orbiting Earth and deliver energy to the ground by using radio, laser rays, or targeted microwaves. The problem with those satellites is that they are easy to turn to weapons. And powerful microwaves or ...

The ultra-broadband record with the entangled photons

The ultra-broadband record with entangled photons would also revolutionize data transmission. As many times before quantum technology makes it possible to create ultra-fast and ultra-secure data transmission systems. As you see in the image above text in this system the entangled photons are traveling sideways. And that makes it impossible to steal data from the system.  In that system, there is possible to use two types of qubits. The qubits transmit data. And also control qubits. The control qubit means that both sides of the entangled photons are transmitting the same data package. That qubit is used to uncover if there are problems in the system. So in this kind of quantum system will travel by turns data transmitter and control qubits.  The thing that makes the data transmission safe is that the control qubits or points the data can transmit precisely the same time to two sensors by using entangled photons. That means if there is some kind of difference in arriving time o...

The new state of the matter is made by connecting four electrons.

  What if we would connect four electrons? The answer is that thing forms the new state of matter. Scientists are made a new state of matter. That new state of the matter is made by connecting four electrons. The thing that makes this thing fundamental is that the key principle in superconductivity is that the electrons are forming pairs.  If the electron pairs or electron squares can create over some layer, that thing means a fundamental advantage in superconductivity and nano-size microchips. There is the possibility to make the transistors that are made by using only the electrons. The problem is how to make electrons being stable on the structure. Electrons can anchor to the layer by using two pushing magnetic fields.  If two negative magnetic fields are pushing electrons from two sides that thing can stabilize the formation. And if somebody wants to drive data through those electrons. Those magnetic fields can act as the carrier wave. That thing can make the electron...

Free-electron lasers and WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

The quantum fogs like electron clouds are effective tools for creating high energetic radiation. The free-electron lasers are the most powerful in the world. They are producing their laser rays by using curving electrons. When the electrons change their direction in particle accelerators. They are transmitting photons.  The size of the free-electron lasers is extremely large but those systems might have modular structures. That means that the series of the satellites will connect to one extremely powerful entirety. And modular structure means. The small-size satellites what has a laser inside them could connect to the chain.  The virtualization of the laser means. The power of the laser ray will increase stressing it with other same frequency laser rays. There is no limit to the power of that kind of laser system.  Or the large group of laser satellites can connect their laser rays to one very powerful laser ray. The collector lasers must be more powerful than the other l...

Did modern cosmology find God?

There is made many models of what God might be. Could God be an alien? Could God be Creature that came once from another solar system? Or is God some kind of China Brain? The collective mind of some great group of individuals? Please help me! These kinds of questions are interesting. But also very hard to answer. The thing is that before we can say that we found God or we didn't find god is a very interesting thing. But before we answer those questions, we must describe what we mean about God?  If we don't want to use Holy Bible or use some other words that we can find from holy manuscripts we might say that God is, far more intelligent and technically advanced creature than we are. So we are making many models of what God might be. And the answer is that God might be some alien that came from another solar system.  The thing is that nobody knows what that character is. The fact is that the so-called alien hypothesis is one of the most usual acceptable things.  But t...

Jetson 1 (Swedish lightweight aviation vehicles)

This kind of one-person lightweight vehicle has many purposes from the pizza-delivery to some serious governmental operations. The rescue services can use this kind of system for finding people from the ground. And taking them to the ambulance. But also people like special forces operators can benefit from those lightweight systems in their missions.  And those lightweight aviation systems can also use to carry man-shaped robots. This means that we don't even know all purposes, where to use that kind of things. By using lightweight personal aviation vehicles burglaries would get in the roofs of otherwise secured buildings.  Using this kind of vehicle painter can paint the top of a flagpole. Or firemen can save the cleaner of the window. If the platform is jammed. But the same system can take snipers to the position. And that thing means the lightweight aerial systems can serve many things.  Jetson 1 is a small one-man flying device that can carry in the van. And that kind...

The mixed reality is a powerful tool for many things.

The idea of mixed reality is that this kind of system can combine the real world with VR (Virtual Reality). The simplest idea is to make the robot that sends things what it senses to the controller. The robot's eyes would be the camera systems that are connected remotely to the VR glasses.  The ears of the robot are microphones. And they are sending data to the gamer's headset. The touch sense is the pressure detector that sends the feel of touch to the data gloves. Then the operator can interact with the physical robot. And that thing allows making safely many things that are very risky for the people. If we are thinking about the cases like nuclear accidents. And sadly battlefields those robots can use many types of communication systems. If the robot is inside the powerful electromagnetic field that can close the radio communication it can change to use laser-led for sharing data.  There are many types of interfaces that allow robots to operate very effectively. Those syste...

Making inquiries is one kind of skill.

For making inquiries we need data. And the target group for inquiries. Registers which involves data of things. Like customers who have the guarantee left. The thing is what data the database is involving is the same.  The database of the source group is involving the limit. If the forms of the inquiries are sent to a too-large group of people nobody has time to sort and handle the data. AI can be a powerful tool for that thing. The system can filter the forms away. If the form has been open for too short a time that makes it suspicious. When we are thinking about the form that has been open for about 15 seconds and which involves 20 questions, we might ask how good and useful data that from gives? When we want to make inquiries, we must understand that only valid and qualified data is the thing that brings useful information.  This kind of database can use in many things. And one of them is when the guarantee ends. Those persons would get an offer to expand their support....

Could there be invisible galaxies in the universe?

The thing is that if there is a chemically similar galaxy with Milky Way far away from us. There is the possibility that the radiation of the Milky Way pushes the radiation away from the Milky Way. That thing means that if the Milky Way pushes the radiation away. That thing makes it impossible to see some objects.  Could the dark matter be some kind of condition of the material that the electromagnetic radiation would travel across it without causing the reflection? If we are thinking of the situation that is in the image above this text. There is the possibility that some galaxies have a certain form of a halo that pushes the electromagnetic radiation traveling around that galaxy away from it.  So that kind of case where the electromagnetic radiation would travel around the object would be similar to what makes things like stealth bombers invisible for radars. The scale of the galaxy is much bigger than some stealth bombers. But there is the possibility that some kind of quan...

Could the origin of dark energy be in an empty bubble of the universe?

Sometimes is introduced very interesting theory about the origin of dark energy. The theory claims that the empty bubbles in the universe are the origin of dark energy.  The idea is that when photons and all other particles are traveling in the empty bubble they are traveling faster than outside that bubble. And when those particles are smashing to the edge of the empty bubble that particle releases its energy in the form of wave movement.  When a particle would fly in an empty bubble where the effect of the quantum fields is lower than other places in the universe there is the possibility that the particle's speed will rise higher than it would be in the regular universe. And when the particle travels outside the empty bubble. It will release its kinetic energy to the universe around it.  When that particle hits the "core" of the bubble of nothingness. It releases energy when its speed is slowing. The energy will transmit to the quantum fields of atoms and ions.  Th...

Maybe scientists are making the first direct observation about dark energy quite soon.

All energy must have a source. Any energy is not forming from emptiness. The wave-particle duality means the energy or wave movement can turn to particles. And otherwise, the particle can turn to energy.  One of the sources of energy is the particles that are slowing. When the particle is slowing it must transfer the kinetic energy to somewhere.  And that transfer happens in the form of wave movement. The thing that makes energy visible has an opponent in the structure. The energy that is sent by a certain size particle makes the same-size particle resonate. And that resonance is making the radiation or wave movement visible. If there is no opponent for sending particles the wave movement that those particles send is unable or very hard to detect.  That means the dark energy could be the radiation that source is in unique size of particles. When those particles interact with each other they are causing the gravitational effect with those individual particles and particles...