Image I The quantum computer and beyond Quantum computing is advancing at extremely high speed, and almost every day, there would be more and more advantages. The thing is that number of qubits is limitless because each frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum can transmit data independently. Quantum annealing is giving new opportunities for the quantum computer. And the idea of quantum annealing is simple. If the qubits are starting to shine, and we can adjust that shining, we can make the quantum computer, which is forming of holograms. If a quantum computer would form by photons, the data would travel between the photons, which is forming the entirety in the form of the electromagnetic wave movement. The quantum computer is like the voltmeter, where a certain level of voltage would mean a certain qubit or level of the qubit. The model of quantum annealing is like in the lamps, where its brightness is adjustable. The level of brightness of those lamps is the level of a certain...