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Showing posts from August, 2021

What if we would someday send colonists to other solar systems?

What if we would someday send colonists to other solar systems? Even if we can make the wormhole between that distant solar system and Earth we cannot make that thing without a space journey. That means that at the first we should take the wormhole machine to that distant solar system. There is the possibility that the astronauts or spacecraft cannot ever travel through the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge.  But that energy bridge can use to transport data. The power of the wormhole can adjust by shooting laser rays in it. And that thing makes it possible to transport data through that thing. So making the quantum communication channel through the universe can be the motive for making the journey to another solar system. But the wormhole itself cannot be the motive for colonizing another planet.  What if we someday colonize another planet far away from Earth? What kind of relationship could people who stay on Earth have with those colonists? And what do those people mean to us...