When we think about the submarines and their danger to satellites, the Chinese claim that they equip their submarines with laser weapons. The question is: which weapon system the Chinese will use when they want to harm satellites? Did they mention lasers? Or, did they just mention Anti-satellite, ASAT? The submarine can launch ASAT missiles. Maybe the submarine cannot destroy satellites from the sea, directly by using lasers, but the fact is that nuclear reactors give very much power. And that can make them good platforms for some kind of tactical systems. Those tactical systems can cut holes into the ship's body and destroy things like low-flying aircraft and drones. Maybe, the laser weapon's power will not be enough to destroy satellites in orbiters, submarines can harm satellites. Submarines can use ASAT weapons, like anti-satellite missiles, as I wrote before. The antisatellite missile can use chemical lasers or some other direct energy weapon to destroy the target...