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The DNA is the next-generation powerhouse for medical and technical tools.

"A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way for molecular computing’s future. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Next Frontier: DNA Emerges as a Powerhouse for Data Storage and Computing) The new bacterial repair injuries. This new bacteria gel is a tool that can make it possible to make new types of treatment. When we think of bacteria that can turn into another cell in the right position, that bacteria is one thing that is possible to create using modern biotechnology. The system must connect two DNA molecules into a new entirety. This kind of bacteria can travel to the right point, and then the food can act as a trigger that activates the second DNA.  That thing transforms the cell into another Or wait for the cell to read DNA in the connection point
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Can the AI tell lies?

The AI doesn't lie. But it can give false information.  Telling lies requires knowledge that information is false. That's why computers don't lie. But they can give false information.  The AI doesn't think. That means the AI doesn't tell lies. Telling lies requires knowledge that information is a lie. The AI can give false information. But it doesn't tell lies, because the AI makes only things that are programmed in it. AI is a tool, and the thing that tells lies is human who uses AI.  AI is perfect for the well-documented sector. But if the documents are not good, the AI can make false answers. The AI doesn't think as we think. That means the AI cannot lie as we do. It can give false or inaccurate information if the data that it uses is inaccurate, or wrong. But telling lies requires that the AI knows that it lies.  AI has no similar awareness as humans. The AI doesn't do anything outside its programming. The AI is like a dog. It's dangerous if it i

Was there some certain point where the universe's expansion began?

"Artist's logarithmic scale conception of the observable universe. The Solar System gives way to the Milky Way, which gives way to nearby galaxies which then give way to the large-scale structure and the hot, dense plasma of the Big Bang at the outskirts. Each line-of-sight that we can observe contains all of these epochs, but the quest for the most distant observed object will not be complete until we've mapped out the entire Universe." (BigThink, How far away are we from the location of the Big Bang?) The term proto-universe means the material and energy singularity where time and material are together. That proto-universe existed in total emptiness. In theories, that point was like a yarn ball. The object was a superstring ball. The entropy was minimal in that system. But then something made the space in the proto-universe or the semen of the universe.  In some models. That object just collapsed. It started to send radiation into total emptiness. That radiation pul

Can only AI protect us against AI?

"A new AI model from the University of South Australia offers a faster, more cost-effective method for schools to assess student creativity. The model significantly reduces the time and cost of scoring creativity tests, helping to identify talented students who might otherwise be overlooked." (ScitechDaily,The AI Paradox: Building Creativity To Protect Against AI) The paradox is interesting. In the model, where we create creativity to protect us against AI, we forget one thing. AI is a tool like a screwdriver. The AI itself is not good, or it's not bad. Its users are people. And people decide what the AI does. The problem is that people who want to make things like computer viruses and use AI-based applications for industrial spying and sabotage are responsible for that action.  The generative AI or large language models can create spying tools and another kind of "black stuff". The power of the AI is that it creates many things faster than humans. And when it h

The next step is GPS-free navigation.

"Sandia National Laboratories’ four-channel, silicon photonic single-sideband modulator chip, measuring 8 millimeters on each side and marked with a green Sandia thunderbird logo, sits inside packaging that incorporates optical fibers, wire bonds, and ceramic pins. Credit: Craig Fritz, Sandia National Laboratories" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality) New motion sensors and other quantum systems open the road to GPS-free navigation. The motion sensor senses movements. That tool is in every VR headset and smartphone. The motion sensor can be the tool that makes GPS-free navigation possible. The system must sense the movements, their direction, and length with a pretty good accuracy. But if that is well done.  The motion sensor-based navigation system requires four things. The beginning point The speed of the vehicle. And the directions of the motions.  And how long the motion lasts.  Then it can use the clock and other dat

New data centers require trusted and safe energy production.

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Microlensing and plasma-X-ray lasers are new tools for quantum communication.

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