"A new technology using DNA for data storage and computing has been unveiled by researchers from NC State and Johns Hopkins. This innovative approach includes creating dendricolloids to enhance data density and storage life, paving the way for molecular computing’s future. (Artist’s concept.) Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily, The Next Frontier: DNA Emerges as a Powerhouse for Data Storage and Computing) The new bacterial repair injuries. This new bacteria gel is a tool that can make it possible to make new types of treatment. When we think of bacteria that can turn into another cell in the right position, that bacteria is one thing that is possible to create using modern biotechnology. The system must connect two DNA molecules into a new entirety. This kind of bacteria can travel to the right point, and then the food can act as a trigger that activates the second DNA. That thing transforms the cell into another Or wait for the cell to read DNA in the connection point
The AI doesn't lie. But it can give false information. Telling lies requires knowledge that information is false. That's why computers don't lie. But they can give false information. The AI doesn't think. That means the AI doesn't tell lies. Telling lies requires knowledge that information is a lie. The AI can give false information. But it doesn't tell lies, because the AI makes only things that are programmed in it. AI is a tool, and the thing that tells lies is human who uses AI. AI is perfect for the well-documented sector. But if the documents are not good, the AI can make false answers. The AI doesn't think as we think. That means the AI cannot lie as we do. It can give false or inaccurate information if the data that it uses is inaccurate, or wrong. But telling lies requires that the AI knows that it lies. AI has no similar awareness as humans. The AI doesn't do anything outside its programming. The AI is like a dog. It's dangerous if it i