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The next step is GPS-free navigation.

"Sandia National Laboratories’ four-channel, silicon photonic single-sideband modulator chip, measuring 8 millimeters on each side and marked with a green Sandia thunderbird logo, sits inside packaging that incorporates optical fibers, wire bonds, and ceramic pins. Credit: Craig Fritz, Sandia National Laboratories" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary Quantum Compass Could Soon Make GPS-Free Navigation a Reality)

New motion sensors and other quantum systems open the road to GPS-free navigation. The motion sensor senses movements. That tool is in every VR headset and smartphone. The motion sensor can be the tool that makes GPS-free navigation possible. The system must sense the movements, their direction, and length with a pretty good accuracy. But if that is well done. 

The motion sensor-based navigation system requires four things.

The beginning point

The speed of the vehicle.

And the directions of the motions. 

And how long the motion lasts. 

Then it can use the clock and other data to calculate the directions and vectors of how the vehicle travels. This kind of system can use a speedometer to determine the speed and a gyro- or magnetic compass to determine the change in the direction. 

If the system knows the speed and angle of the traveler, it can calculate the length of the journey. The system marks the beginning point of the system, and then the motion sensor and clock help to mark the length and directions of the movements. The only problem is walking person. In that case, the system can use some static points like well-known buildings. 

The user can use those two well-known buildings as marks. If those buildings' positions are known the user can stand still, take two images, and then the system can position the user using triangular calculation. If those landmarks are close enough, that user can take only one image. 

The system can use image recognition and knowledge of the positions of the landmarks. The more advanced system can use a laser- or some other optical system to tell the position of the static point to the landmarks to the system. 

The motion-sensor-based system can replace the GPS.  The system must only know the beginning point for the run. And that point must be set when the navigation starts. The beginning point can be at the door, where the user walks out. 

And then that gate tells. Where the beginning point is. Then the system starts to measure movement's directions and length. The problem is how to measure the length of the movement. Things like quantum compasses can turn that tool into reality. The quantum entanglement between proton and electron are the things that make the quantum compass possible. 

But the new research has focused on silicone crystals there the laser or some other light source to create an electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field around the EM object can also act as the quantum compass. In some versions, the quantum entanglement, that is made through that field senses its movements.


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