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Until we find another civilization, we are alone.

Until we find another civilization, we are alone. And then, we must realize that maybe we want to be alone. Aliens do not exist until we find them. Knowledge makes them exist. And when they turn into real, we cannot turn them non-existing. We are lucky because we live in the place between the spiral branch of the Milky Way. If civilization lives in a spiral branch, there are lots of cosmic objects that can hit their planet. One large asteroid can destroy that planet. 

Many catastrophes modified evolution on Earth. Catastrophes are important for evolution. Without catastrophes, only a large number of descendants is necessary for species survivability. Mass extinctions and climate changes on Earth caused that species to need big brains and high-level intelligence so that they could find food. 

Then the motive is needed to make the technical inventions. That means intelligence alone doesn't mean that species can create technical tools. They need motivation to make those things, that allow them to travel to space. When we think of things like planetary defense against asteroids, we face reality. 

That kind of defense someday save our planet. The thing is that, sooner or later we face an asteroid that is on course to our planet. Same as other planets the cosmic impact can destroy Earth in less than a second. That means the civilization requires a space program, or it faces its fate under the meteor impact. And it took thousands of years before we made the first rockets that allowed us to operate out of the atmosphere. And the planetary defense is not possible, until today. 

" As a demonstration of the consequences, they cite that on Earth the probability of spontaneously forming proteins from amino acids has been estimated by Douglas D. Axe to be on the order of 10-77, an infinitesimally small number. And that is just the necessary first step to produce living creatures, let alone creatures with technological development." (Phys.Org, Study reports dim odds for finding alien civilizations)

Technological advance is not the same as intelligence. Civilization requires something that gives its members the motive to create technology. As I wrote before. Without motive is no product. And things like space rockets are products. 

Above:  the "Project Daedalus" is like a cosmic reed boat (below:).


The other civilizations are problematic things to discuss. Nobody knows what those hypothetical civilizations look like. And nobody knows what hypothetical other civilization does if it takes a message from us. The problem is that we don't even know what kind of things we should find, and then another thing is: so we even want to know those other civilizations? 

The universe is a giant place. It is a good place for theories and problems. The alien civilization can be in so long distance. That we cannot see it. It can communicate in ways like using only coherent signals or even quantum entanglements. And those things are hard to see if the observer stands out from the data transmission lines. 

If aliens use multi-frequency quantum communication. Those signals are hard to notice. The system packs information and shares it with multiple radio frequencies. Those frequencies are states of qubit. Sending that message takes only less than a second. 

There are a lot of discussions about Drake's equation and the Fermi paradox. There are many ways to explain: why other civilizations have not contacted us. And one is that we are not an interesting civilization. In the tradesman model aliens want something from other civilizations if they want to make contact. 

The alien invasions are from the SciFi movies. And before we see another civilization, we can keep them in the SciFi movies. But then we must see things called the grabby alien hypothesis. In that model, the grabby alien is an organism that wants all. Grabby aliens will not want to share anything about their knowledge. And that makes those hypothetical civilizations dangerous. 

The most dangerous civilization could be the Kardachev scale II civilization, which made its first interstellar probes. For that civilization, interstellar flight will not be routine. And that causes a dangerous situation. Many things can go wrong. 

Things like the Daedalus project, a theoretical giant interstellar space probe are the models that cause discussions about the dangers of alien contact. In many hypotheses the alien sends the probe to find out, what we look like. In some models, some kind of error in computer programs causes a situation, where the probe impacts Earth with a speed, that is about 25% of the speed of light. That probe's weight is tens of thousands of tonnes. And it destroys the Earth immediately. 

For interstellar traveling those probes are primitive. They are like reed boats, that ancient civilizations on Earth could use to travel across the oceans. Journeys to other stars take hundreds or even thousands of years. And results that those crafts give would be unsure. But without that stage the interstellar civilization is impossible. 

In the future, the human will make its first interstellar probe. In history, there were the first boats. And if we saw the first boat that humans made, nobody believed that someday nuclear-powered ships would travel on the seas. We all take our first steps and then we learn much more complicated skills.


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