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AI is the ultimate tool for making new medicines and artificial lifeforms.

"University of Texas researchers have used AI to develop a safer, effective version of an antibiotic that shows promise in animal trials. This new method could accelerate the creation of treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Credit: The University of Texas at Austin" (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Toxic Antibiotic Into Life-Saving Medicine)

"Large language models, or LLMs, were originally designed to generate and explore sequences of text, but scientists are finding creative ways to apply these models to other domains. For example, just as sentences are made up of sequences of words, proteins are made up of sequences of amino acids."  (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Toxic Antibiotic Into Life-Saving Medicine)

"LLMs cluster together words that share common attributes (such as cat, dog, and hamster) in what’s known as an “embedding space” with thousands of dimensions. Similarly, proteins with similar functions, like the ability to fight off dangerous bacteria without hurting the people who host said bacteria, may cluster together in their own version of an AI embedding space." (ScitechDaily, AI Transforms Toxic Antibiotic Into Life-Saving Medicine)

And that makes the large language models, LLMs interesting tools when researchers make new molecules and interconnect the DNA between species. As the LLM reads and finds words like "hamster", the LLM can find the chemical code from the DNA. The LLM can search find the RNA or DNA sequence from the virus. Then it can search the same sequences from any DNA. The system requires tools like a spectroscope that recognizes the base-pair orders from the DNA. 

"Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers suspended bacteria in photosensitive bio-resins and “trapped” the microbes in 3D structures using LED light from the LLNL-developed Stereolithographic Apparatus for Microbial Bioprinting 3D printer. The projection stereolithography machine can print at high resolution on the order of 18 microns — nearly as thin as the diameter of a human cell. Credit: Illustration by Thomas Reason/LLNL" (ScitechDaily, New Method Developed for 3D Printing Living Microbes To Enhance Biomaterials)

In medical research, the ability to manipulate molecules at the atomic level gives medicines new abilities for medicines. The enzymes that are connected to medical molecules can adjust their effective time. If the medical molecules are effective only a certain time that makes them more effective. In ideal cases, the medicine molecule activates only in certain cells. And that makes it possible to create new types of medicines. 

In some visions, the acoustic crystals are the tools that destroy bacteria. If bacteria uses some certain nutrient it can connected to those crystals. Then the acoustic system sends acoustic impulses to those crystals. That would make bubbles in those cells. Or there is the enzyme-acid fiber in the crystal. 

"Researchers have discovered a unique microbiome in domestic and laboratory microwaves, with varying microbial communities influenced by food interactions and user habits. This study reveals the potential for biotechnological applications of these microbes, which are similar to those found on kitchen surfaces and industrial environments like solar panels." (ScitechDaily, Bacteria Conquer the Next Extreme Environment: Your Microwave)

When an acoustic impulse breaks that crystal, the broken crystal releases enzymes like a whip and that destroys the cell's internal structure. In some other visions, the nanomachine can look like a virus. When that virus shape structure is on the ion pump, it just pumps cells full of enzymes, that should destroy the cell. 

Living cells can create spider silk. And if those cells get nutrients they can connected to 3D printers. Those systems can create new things for material research. Bioprinters can also use living bacteria to create some structures. And that is the first step into printed organs. Bioprinted organs can someday used as organ transplants. 

The artificial organism means bacteria or some other creature, that has an ability that researchers want to transform to another organism. Things like bacteria that researchers found in microwave ovens offer the ability to create radiation-resistant species. Those bacteria can offer genomes to artificial organisms that require radiation resistance. And maybe someday even humans get that ability.


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