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A two mile-long X-ray laser helps researchers to understand one of the most mysterious states of matter.

"Warm dense matter occurs inside Jupiter-type giant planets (where it surrounds the rocky core as a metallic liquid at a temperature of many thousands of kelvin) and in the interiors of small stars – brown dwarfs. Credit: IFJ PAN / NASA" (ScitechDaily, Two Mile Long X-Ray Laser Opens New Windows Into a Mysterious State of Matter)

The warm, dense material (WDM) plays a vital role in the form of brown dwarfs and hot Jupiters.  That matter isolates the nucleus of those objects from their shells.  There is suspicion that maybe the WDM's role in the failure of the stars that formed brown dwarfs is dominating.

In some models, the planet that goes into the planetary cloud causes the star's failure. And forms a brown dwarf.  The falling material cloud. That should form a star, falls against the planet, and presses its shell with it. A planet's shell forms a very dense ball around the object's core. That thing causes reflection where gas atoms jump out from that shell. And this denies the start of the fusion. 

The WDM is interesting because it keeps its form in intensive heat. And the formation of the WDM is one of the most interesting things. The outcoming gas presses material against the planet's or brown dwarf's nucleus. One of the big questions is: can any material like hydrogen and metals form the grid that forms the WDM? 

Another thing that makes the WDM interesting is the question: does the WDM form when the pressure and radiation press material against cold layers? If that is true, the rogue planets that some nova- or supernova eruptions threw away from their solar system cause the brown dwarf formation. The third question is, how good is the WDM?

Another thing that makes the WDM interesting is the question: does the WD form when the pressure and radiation press material against cold layers? If that is true, the rogue planets that some nova- or supernova eruptions threw away from their solar system cause the brown dwarf formation. The third question is, how good is the WDM?

If the gas layer against the metal plate can turn gas into hovering WDM material, that thing can used in the insulator in intensive heat. The WDM that forms between two steel plates can protect structures even against nuclear explosions. The WDM on Earth is the short-living state of matter. 

Researchers use two-mile-long X-ray lasers to test how this strange state of material forms. In wild visions that matter makes it possible to control even nuclear detonations. The system just uses acoustic systems to press air molecules into the point, where nuclear weapon detonates. Then the laser systems press those air molecules against the fireball and shockwave. 

The idea is that the WDM forms the shield that the shockwave cannot pass. But that system is one of the futuristic ideas, and there are lots of things that can go wrong. 

By the way...

In history, some SciFi writers introduced the idea, of how humans can walk on the skies. The system sends pressure impulses or airflow from below the person. Then the person has shoes with powerful loudspeakers. That system sends an impact wave against the airflow. 

That denser point in the air can make it possible, for a person can walk without ground contact. The idea is from explosives that explosion can press air stronger than steel. If some pressure-acoustic systems can make similar phenomena that makes it possible to walk in the skies by benefiting this pressure layer.


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