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The Red Planet's glorious past and bright future.

 Could Perseverance samples hold evidence of ancient Martian life? 

The fact is that. Proving the existence of those life forms is difficult. The thing that Perseverance found is a structure that looks like stoned remnants of some kind of cyanobacteria. Proving the biological origin of those structures is not very easy. The fact is that there are some kind of holes on the stones, that might involve evidence of the Martian lifeforms. Or they prove that some probes are not properly sterilized. 

Another thing is that there could be liquid water deep inside the Martian shell. That thing means maybe some kind of primitive lifeforms exist on the red planet. If there are some life forms deep underground, those life forms might not stand UV radiation. But those things require lots of more data. 

The intelligent planet model is one of the most radical theories about intelligent lifeforms. 

So, lifeforms, intelligent lifeforms, and technically advanced lifeforms are not the same thing. In some versions of the Gaia hypothesis deep underground water makes it possible that under the planet's surface forming the neural network. So that planet could have giant brains under its surface. These kinds of theories and models are fascinating.

Terraforming Mars using nanoparticles is one of the ideas to make the red planet a more friendly place for people. 

There is a nice plan to terraform planet Mars using microparticles. Those microparticles are released into the Mars planet's atmosphere. And they would raise the planet's temperature. In some models, the giant mirrors or laser and microwave beams will turn into those microparticles. That radiation will raise the microparticle's temperature. But that thing doesn't make the Martian atmosphere thicker. The major problem is the planet's weak gravity. How can the atmosphere remain around the planet? Terraforming Mars is not a very easy mission. 

But in some models far in the future. There will be large-scale underground tunnel structures where colonists can live. Above the surface are the greenhouses where vegetables are growing. Around the red planet are also generators that make its magnetic field stronger. Magnetic nanoparticles hover like clouds over the Martian bases and greenhouses that are above the surface. Those greenhouses produce food and oxygen for colonists. The cloud can protect those areas against UV radiation. 

The Mars station requires a good transportation system. 

 The crew module uses conventional rockets. Near Earth, the nuclear-powered rockets can wait at the Moon orbiter. Transportation between those rockets and Earth happens using regular chemical rockets. That guarantees that in the case of a nuclear accident radioactive debris falls to the Moon. 

Near Mars, those systems can operate more freely. People live under radiation-protective structures. And that means that nuclear accidents are not so bad there as they are on Earth. However, the distance between the rocket station and the Mars base must be long because if there is a problem, the shuttle can detonate and damage the base. 

The Mars shuttle can be a similar system to Space X's Starship. And it's connected to a nuclear-powered rocket.  The landing areas for shuttles are at longer distances from those structures. The shuttles transport people to the orbiter, where the nuclear-powered craft waits for people. 

The crew- and passenger module docks to the nuclear-powered rocket that can use plasma or even an antimatter engine. Then the craft will travel back to Earth. Slowing speed is not as difficult as people think. When craft comes near Earth it opens solar sail. And the solar wind, or if the engine aims plasma to that solar sail, slowing speed is quite an easy thing. Then that manned module is released and the crew can return to the Earth.


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