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Scientists developed monometallofoldamer double-helix molecules that are like DNA.

"Researchers at Tokyo University of Science have developed double-helical monometallofoldamers with controlled chiral properties, paving the way for advanced molecular systems and potential applications in chiral material development and sensors."(ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

"The researchers synthesized the double-helical monometallofoldamers from two bipyridine-type strands with L-shaped units, which after forming a complex with a zinc cation formed double-helical structures. X-ray crystallography revealed the double-helical structures with a metal cation in their center. "  (ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

"The researchers investigated the switchability of monometallofoldamers in response to external stimuli and found that helix terminals of the double-helical form can unfold in solutions, resulting in the open form, favored at high temperatures, and refold to the double-helical form, favored at low temperatures." (ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

"Interestingly, the helicity of the double-helical monometallofoldamer with chiral chains can be controlled in response to achiral solvents. For example, in non-polar solvents (toluene, hexane, Et2O), it becomes left-handed or M-form, and in Lewis basic solvents (acetone, DMSO), it becomes right-handed or the P-form. "  (ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

"The conformation of chiral chains introduced into the helix strands was found to be important for this M/P switching. Furthermore, they found that when a helix strand with chiral chains is mixed with a strand without chiral chains, the winding direction of the helix is transmitted and amplified to the achiral strand without chiral chains, with the helicity inversion ability maintained." (ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

"The synthesized double-helical monometallofoldamers exhibiting controllable chirality switching can lead to the development of novel artificial supramolecular systems for molecular information processing. Credit: Hidetoshi Kawai from Tokyo University of Science" (ScitechDaily, DNA Doppelgängers: Scientists Develop Artificial Molecules With Life-Like Properties)

Those new molecules are like controlled origami or fractal in molecular, or physical form. 

The ability to make these kinds of molecules is a great advance for medical and nanotechnology. The ability to create self-replicating structures is an interesting thing for material and medical purposes. 

Sel-replicating molecules make it possible to create molecular-size structures more effectively than previously. That allows the mass production of many things. These are important for radars, nanomachines, and microprocessors. The metallic double-helix can be used as antennas in nanotechnical radar systems. And they can control the mass production of complicated nanotechnical molecules. 

The self-replicating molecules are molecular-size Von Neumann machines. They can be used to produce materials that are required in nanotechnology. 

The new monometallofoldamer forms a double helix. That makes it act like DNA. This thing can be a breakthrough in nanotechnology and many other things. This kind of structure. The developers at Tokyo University made so-called non-organic DNA that can store information like DNA. Those non-organic DNA molecules can control nanotechnology. It can used to upload the kernel for the nano-size microprocessors. 

The thing is that this kind of system has many points where they can used. Self-multiplying molecules allow to create of new nanomachines and nano-molecules for medical use. The term nanotechnical -molecule means nanotechnical medicine that activates precisely at the right moment. Nano technical medicine can involve components that make it neutral until it passes the certain ion pump. The ion pump pulls the passivator away from the molecule and activates the medicine. 

In material research, long atomic chains can used to create the nano-canvas. These kinds of things are interesting tools for many purposes from microchips to next-generation armor.


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