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Microlensing and plasma-X-ray lasers are new tools for quantum communication.


"Scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in nanoscale optoelectronics, enabling precise control over single-molecule switching using localized surface plasmons. This development opens new possibilities for creating more efficient and adaptable nano-devices, potentially transforming technology sectors such as sensors and energy systems. Credit: FHI, edited" (ScitechDaily, Atomic Control Unleashes New Era in Single-Molecule Optoelectronics)

Nano-size optical systems called microlensing allow the focus of information very accurately selected points. Microlensing allows create of single-atom mass memories. Those mass memories allow researchers to create new and more independently operating nanomachines. 

Mass memories with atom-size accuracy are tools that improve the AI and large language model, LLM's operations. Those systems require large-scale mass memories that can interconnect memory pixels into new entireties. 

That makes it possible to aim information into a very accurate place. The system is similar to a scanning tunneling microscope to make particles hover. That system makes it possible to control information that travels into particles. The particles can hover between nano-styluses that are connected with a graphene net. This kind of structure can act as a switch in binary or quantum computers. 

A new way to control light is one of the latest tools for new optoelectronics. The atom or molecule can hover between the nanotechnical stylus and the layer. Then the optical system inputs data to that hovering object. The system can control single electrons that hover under the stylus. If that is possible, this will cause quantum entanglements. 

"A new two-photon fluorescence microscope can capture high-speed images of neural activity at cellular resolution thanks to a new adaptive sampling scheme and line illumination. The illustration shows the adaptive sampling scheme, in which a laser beam patterned by a digital micromirror device selectively illuminates neurons in the brain tissue to image their activity. Credit: Wei Wei and Mei Xueting, LINGO.AI LLC, edited" (ScitechDaily, Revolutionary Two-Photon Microscope Captures Brain Activity in Real-Time)

Without the ability to see the system, it's impossible to control it. The new microscopes can observe structures and their interactions at molecular-, and submolecular levels. 

Two-photon microscopes are tools that can observe neurons' activities in real time. That new impressive tool can see things like how medicals act in cells. And it can research things like how ion pumps operate in cells. There are billions of uses for that kind of system. 

"Artistic rendering of the partially coherent light superimposed by incoherent modes as it passes through complex media. Credit: Chengliang Zhao, Soochow University" (ScitechDaily, Breaking Barriers in Optics: The Power of Coherence Entropy)

Those systems can also observe things like new microprocessors and nanomachines. The new two-photon microscopes are tools that can also used to observe and control many other things like molecule-size manufacturing. The same tool can also observe how gates and switches work in the microchips. 

The laser systems can increase plasma-ring temperature. And that makes it possible to create plasma-based X-ray laser systems whose power is far higher than in a modern X-ray laser. 

Things like black holes and plasma interaction around them offer the possibility to create models about plasma systems that can create coherent X-ray emissions. The system would use impacting plasma rings that imitate conditions near the black hole. 

In those systems, the plasma acceleration and plasma pressurization happen by using magnetic fields. The laser system with plasma tube system drives impacting plasma can create similar conditions. That is around the black holes. The knowledge, of how the X-rays jump between plasma atoms makes it possible to create more powerful X-ray lasers. 

"A view toward the black hole in an X-ray binary and the X-rays we see that are reflected from the inner surface of the powerful outflow surrounding the hole. Credit: Alexander Mushtukov" (ScitechDaily, Unveiling the Secrets of Cygnus X-3: A Hidden X-Ray Marvel in the Milky Way)

The laser system can raise the temperature in the plasma ring to a very high level. And that forms conditions, where the plasma can send X-rays or coherent X-rays. 

If the system can calculate growing entropy backward it can create a new ultimate solution for data security. Entropy means that the system starts whirling or turns into disorder. If the system can calculate the entropy backward from disorder to order it can hide information or control data into entropy. The entropy in the system grows all the time. But entropy is not without limits. 

We can think that entropy is like whirls and bubbles in the river. And the number of those whirls and bubbles is limited. In the same way, the space where those bubbles and whirls are has limits. That's why powerful systems can recalculate the movements in the systems into the original points. But for making that thing the system must know the entire system.

If the system can follow how entropy starts and develops, the system can just run those records backward. Then it can return information to its original form.  

Things like coherence entropy are things that disturb information transmission. The new systems can measure how entropy grows. The growing entropy is the thing that can make messages unbreakable or it can mess up information that travels in the laser beam. Which one is the result? The system can encrypt messages using entropy in coherence only if the system can recalculate the entropy backward to order.


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