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New data centers require trusted and safe energy production.

The new data centers require lots of energy and space. This is why new data centers might be even at the orbital trajectory. The orbital data centers might be satellites, that use cloud-based architecture. In that system, satellites are connected into one entirety. Those satellites share their computer's power with other cloud members and form the data-handling systems that can act as one entirety. In those systems, each satellite can have its solar panels. Solar panels deliver energy to many satellites at orbiter. 

Those satellites must be far enough from Earth. That protects them against things, like anti-satellite-ASAT weapons and other attempts to disturb the cloud actions. The satellite data centers must be protected against things like ECM-based affecting. The system should use satellite communication and it must have the ability to protect itself against things like kinetic energy ASAT weapons and radio-wave-based jammer systems. 

The plasma shield and magnetic fields can protect satellite clouds against plasma, that comes from the sun. But the fact is the hostile attempt to affect those clouds is one of the biggest problems. This is why the system should use green energy. 

Independent power supply guarantees. That data centers can remain operational in cases. That something damages the power supply networks. 

Data centers require lots of energy. That means all of them can have their own power source. The power platforms can use methane that every landfill produces. It's easy to separate carbon from methane gas using active carbon filters. Green energy is safe, even if it goes into the hands of terrorists. Things like geothermal energy are things, that offer a good way to produce energy to data centers. 

Seaborne data centers can look like offshore oil platforms. The system can use things like wave, or wind energy. Things like Flettner rotors can offer a good and safe power source for seaborne data centers. In some plans, the water travels in thin tubes and that capillary system rotates generators. In some plans, the data centers are in capsules deep underwater. The system can get energy from undersea wind turbines or miniature nuclear reactors. The Flettner rotors that are on the seafloor can use the deep-sea water flows. The system can be surrounded by a net, that protects fish from those rotors. 

The portable nuclear reactors, PONU make it possible to create clean and local power sources for data centers. Nuclear power is an ultimate tool, but its problem is the nuclear material. In the case of a terrorist strike the nuclear system that involves highly radioactive material can go into the wrong hands. Also, the data-handling units can have the radioisotope thermoelectric generator RTG. That kind of nuclear battery system can deliver energy to data centers.


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