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Liquid metal amoeba robots are closer than ever before.


The new materials make new types of computers and robots possible. The next-generation material called MnBi2Te4 is the tool that revolutionizes quantum and optical memories. In quantum systems, the system can make quantum entanglement between the quantum dots on that material. But optical memories are an even more interesting tool. That can use MnBi2Te4. 

Optical memories use lasers or photons to transport data to the computer's memories. The idea is that the optical systems don't disturb nanotechnology. Nano-size processors are tools that require very low turbulence levels. So that they can operate as they should. The small size makes those nanotechnical systems very sensitive. Even a small error like overvoltage in the system causes a situation in which electricity jumps over the switch. And that causes fatal errors in the computer. 

"Researchers have developed a technique for printing thin metal oxide films at room temperature, and demonstrated the technique by printing metal oxides onto a polymer, creating highly flexible circuits. Credit: Minsik Kong" (ScitechDaily, Liquid Metal Revolutionizes Transparent Electronic Circuit Printing)

Nanotechnology can connect liquid metal artificial cells into one entirety. Those artificial cells require lots of nano-size mechanical parts. And systems that make nano-size mechanic computers operate can used to create the robot amoebas. The nano-size microprocessor-controlled liquid metal bacteria can use the same technology to move that is used in mechanic computers and nano-size switches and gates. 

"Researchers in Yang Lab at the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering have made unexpected progress toward developing a new optical memory that can quickly and energy-efficiently store and access computational data. Credit: Peter Allen, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago" (ScitechDaily, MnBi2Te4 Unveiled: A Breakthrough in Quantum and Optical Memory Technology)

The nano-size mechanical computers are tools that can used in electromagnetic-resistant automatic systems. Electronic computers have supplanted mechanical computers. But mechanical computers are almost immune to the EM fields. And mechanical computers can control things like robots that operate in high-power electromagnetic radiation. The robots that use mechanic computers can used to clean radioactive waste, and maybe those robots can save people from nuclear reactor accidents or can be used to extinguish fire in cases, like Chernobyl. 

Those small wheels and axles can make bacteria-size liquid metal machines, that can make complicated structures. Those systems have lots of potential in space technology and other critical targets. The intelligent liquid metal can repair damages. The liquid metal amoeba can cover the microcircuits and cables. That kind of system can transmit all data from the system to a third party. The liquid metal robots can make sabotage missions like closing the fuel lines in military vehicles. 

This kind of system makes it possible to create even transformable robots. And maybe the liquid metal transformer robots from the Terminator movies will be a reality sooner than we think.


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