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There are no limits to the new antimatter technology.

"The Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment, BASE collaboration at CERN has developed a new method to cool antiprotons more rapidly, enabling more precise measurements of their mass and magnetic moment. This breakthrough may help uncover asymmetries between matter and antimatter, challenging the current standard model of particle physics." (ScitechDaily, Matter vs. Antimatter: New CERN Experiment Challenges Conventional Physics)

"The BASE team at CERN has enhanced antiproton cooling techniques, allowing quicker and more precise measurements that challenge existing theories of matter-antimatter symmetry, potentially reshaping our understanding of the universe’s composition."  (ScitechDaily, Matter vs. Antimatter: New CERN Experiment Challenges Conventional Physics)

The new antimatter technology makes it possible to carry antiprotons from CERN to other laboratories. 

New freezing technology can stabilize the antiprotons. It makes it possible for researchers. That they can create new ways to store and transport those extremely high-energy particles. The antiprotons that CERN creates can transported to other laboratories using the new chambers where the temperature is very low. The low-temperature magnetic systems can hover antiprotons away from the magnetic chamber's wall. The magnet must push those particles away from the wall. 

Freezing antimatter does not remove the annihilation. It simply makes the environment more stable. And that's why there must not be very many antiprotons in those chambers. Because if there is some kind of error, that causes a huge explosion. 

Above: Antimatter technology can boost the next-generation particle accelerators, rockets, and weapon systems. 

It just makes antiprotons stable. And the thing that those researchers must realize is that there must not be any other particles in the antiproton transportation chamber. If those antiprotons touch the chamber. The result is the annihilation reaction. The proton and antiproton turn into radiation. The energy load is so powerful, that less than 1g of antimatter can destroy the entire Earth. 

This kind of storage system makes the so-called antimatter bomb or Teller's bomb possible. An antimatter bomb is an antimatter chamber, that opens to air. Then, antiprotons will annihilate with protons. And that forms an extremely powerful explosion. A bullet that involves antimatter can destroy any target in the world. 

But making something productive is more difficult than making destructive systems. Otherwise, we can think an antimatter bomb can someday save Earth. It can detonate incoming asteroids into molecular clouds. In some versions, the ion cannon shoots the antiprotons into the asteroid, and that can save the world. The same technology can also destroy satellites and ICBM missiles. 

Above: "The “Maxwell‘s daemon cooling double trap,” which was developed by the BASE collaboration. It can be used to cool antiprotons very quickly to temperatures that are necessary for high-precision measurements. Credit: BASE-Collaboration / Stefan Ulmer" (ScitechDaily, Matter vs. Antimatter: New CERN Experiment Challenges Conventional Physics)

The same system can be used to transport antimatter. The system freezes antimatter, and then the researchers can move this chamber in liquid helium from one place to another. 

Also, antimatter that is released into the atmosphere can turn Earth's atmosphere into extremely high-temperature plasma. And if an antimatter ion cannon shoots antiprotons to the point above some city, that forms the shockwave that makes 58mt. Tsar Bomba seems like fireworks. 

The antimatter can affect the target directly. In that model, the system shoots antiprotons or positrons to the target. The other version is to use an annihilation reaction to make light flash to lasers. In regular lasers, the annihilation pumps energy to the laser element. 

Antimatter can also be used to create coherent gamma rays. Normal gamma-ray lasers are like masers. There are highly gamma-active isotopes around the gamma beam that travel through the gamma-radiation field. But annihilation systems can make more powerful synthetic coherent gamma rays. 

 In gamma-ray systems, material that is trapped in the 2D metamaterial tube reacts with mirror particles. In some other versions, the particle-antiparticle-pairs can annihilate in miniature chambers. There is one chamber to the lead laser ray, and the other chambers input energy to the lead ray. 

The antimatter or antiprotons can also used as a "turbo boost" for the space rockets. In those systems, the system conducts antiprotons to the rocket chamber. But these kinds of solutions require the ability to dose antiprotons. With a very high accuracy. But if those antiprotons can conduct nuclear chemical rocket's exhaust gas, it will open the path to Mars and the asteroid belt. 

The antimatter systems can make the new types of photon-based particle accelerators possible.  In those systems, the antimatter explosion pushes particles in their tracks. In some ideas, the antimatter material explosions around the particles that travel in the accelerators can be used to increase their energy level. The idea is that those colliding particles travel in the gamma-ray beam that the antimatter-material annihilation makes.


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