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What if the hypothetical conspiracy during American civil war 1861-1865 could be true?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

The thought that some generals would give military training for foreigners seems utopistic even in the 19th. century. But when we are thinking about the history of William Huntington Russell and the secret society of Skull and Bones, that kind of action would give the money to that group of undergraduate students. The Skulls and Bones-society established in 1831, and it has the very interesting building, there are no windows.

That guarantees that nobody sees, what happens inside the "Tomb" as those persons call their "clubhouse". When we are thinking about the military training of foreign soldiers, the general can make that with the rank, or as the private person, if somebody has enough money or general wants to give the training to some foreigner. 

When we are talking about the situation after the United States civil war, there were many people in Europe, who would like to pay about that military training, and maybe Russell sold that training to Germans and French, for getting money for his political dreams, what was far away from democracy. There were many persons, who believed, that Confederate was able to win the war, and even after the loss of the Confederate somebody might believe, that they could take the government under the confederation control. 

That would happen, that the Confederates would take the position of the secretaries of the government in their control. Then they must just kick off the key officers and replace them with Southern side versions. That kind of silent taking the control of the Government would the Confederate begin the legislative actions. But those thoughts are only thoughts, and there were no signs of the serious attempts to make that plan true. 

Only John Wilkes Booth named man shot president Abraham Lincoln and escaped there with his fellows. The rumors started, when Booth was shot in Virginia after he tried to escape law enforcement with the broken leg. The rumors were actually similar as in the Kennedy case, that Booth was working for somebody, who worked in the government. And maybe this man planned to escape to Europe after shooting Lincoln. 

Maybe there were some persons, who gave the training also to the foreign soldiers, and if they took money about that thing, must that money not to paid straight in those officers bank accounts. Tere must be some company, what could open the bank and give the generals permission use the safebox for messaging and payments. That thing based that this money was put in the safe box, and nobody ever thought the reason, why it was paid. But this is the speculation. Sometimes I have thought that maybe the members of the Skull and Bones were chasing information secretly in the United States civil war. 

When the members of the Skulls and Bones sold the tactical information against the allowance of sail to Europe. If they would catch from that thing, they would find themselves in the hang rope. Those secret societies were not similar in the 1860's as they are today. If we are thinking the opportunity to sell the tactical information of Lee or Grant, that could cause very big hate, if that information would be released in 1865, when the war was over. 

And that kind of playing with both cards would give very much money in the pockets of that fictional man, who would sell the information for both sides. But this is only the speculation. But when we are thinking about the connection of those happenings from 1861 to modern days, we might think the situation, that the father, who took part in this kind conspiracy would force of the children commit the crime, what must be hidden, and if that crime would be hidden, that will be the good weapon in the hands of Skulls and Bones. 

If the crime would be hard enough, the person would keep the mouth shut and would not tell a thing, what happens in their secret club, what has been told many stories, that the building companies have seen the contracts before, they sent their offer to cities. This could give many benefits for their friends, but it's prohibited in the law. If somebody would notice the price of the building site before giving own offer, that could give that person very big benefits in the markets.  And if the opponent would be getting something, what used in the blackmailing that kind of things would give that person very much money, if the opponent would be silent about that kind of contracts. 


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