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Showing posts from June, 2024

The femtosecond lasers. And the powerful computing.

"Researchers led by UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Professor Giulia Gall, together with collaborators in Sweden, used theoretical and computational approaches to discover how defects in simple calcium oxide can produce qubits with a handful of promising properties. Credit: UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering / Peter Allen, edited" (ScitechDaily, From Common White Powder to Quantum Innovation: Unlocking Nearly Noiseless Qubits) The femtosecond lasers are very accurate tools. They can pump energy to systems with a very high accuracy. The femtosecond laser can make new noiseless qubits. The reason why researchers are worried about the qubit's noise is the noise is the energy loss.  That noise is one thing that can break the qubit's security. Following that noise, the outside system can see data that the system loads into that qubit. Quantum computers are vulnerable on the surface, which transports information and changes it to the quantum

New AI-based operating systems revolutionize drone technology.

"University of Missouri researchers are advancing drone autonomy using AI, focusing on navigation and environmental interaction without GPS reliance. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, AI Unleashed: Revolutionizing Autonomous Drone Navigation) The GPS is an effective navigation system. But the problem is, how to operate that system when somebody jams it? The GPS is a problematic system. Its signal is quite easy to cut. And otherwise, if the enemy gets the GPS systems in their hands, they can get GPS frequencies. That helps to make the jammer algorithms against those drones. The simple GPS is a very vulnerable thing.  Done swarms are effective tools when researchers want to control large areas. The drone swarm's power base is in a non-centralized calculation methodology. In that model, drones share their CPU power with other swarm members. This structure allows us to drive complicated AI-based solutions. And in drone swarms, the swarm operates as an entirety. That ca

The quantum teleportation reached 90% accuracy in a noisy environment.

"High-fidelity quantum teleportation has been achieved by research team using a new hybrid entanglement technique that counters environmental noise, with a success rate nearing 90%. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Teleportation Just Got Real: Achieving 90% Fidelity Amidst Noise) The quantum noise is turbulence in quantum systems. That noise or turbulence cuts the quantum entanglement. And this makes it hard to transport information accurately. This is the reason why quantum computers are quite hard to make.  But today there is a breakthrough.  Developers and researchers made quantum teleportation with 90% accuracy through the noisy environment. This is a new breakthrough. And it allows researchers to send information using quantum teleportation with 10% losses.  That is the acceptable accuracy in quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation is one of the most secure data transportation methods. And if quantum teleportation is possible in long distances that o

New photonic solutions transform computing.

"Optical image of a fully-packaged hybrid integrated erbium-laser based on silicon nitride photonic integrated circuit, providing fiber-laser coherence and previously unachievable frequency tunability. Credit: Andrea Bancora and Yang Liu (EPFL)" (ScitechDaily, Sharper, Smaller, Smarter: Scientists Develop Groundbreaking Miniature Fiber Laser) The new lasers revolutionize photonic technology. The new miniature fiber laser is smarter, smaller, and sharper than any other laser system. This ability makes it possible to adjust the energy levels of other atoms or conduct energy with very high accuracy into photons. That is trapped in the frames. The high-accurate lasers can adjust the qubit's energy levels. Or the system can minimize the waste heat. This is very important for photonic microchips. Temperature can make those processors oscillate. And that destroys the photonic channels where information travels in those systems.  "Researchers have developed a new intelligent

How can brains sort information?

"If researchers want to make complex systems that handle data. They require full knowledge and interactions of the system. Without that knowledge, the system cannot sort, connect and handle information, as it should handle it. And if the system cannot control and sort the information, it's useless. " (ScitechDaily, How the Brain Masters Complexity Without Descending Into Chaos) Another thing that the system should know is if something goes wrong. Error detection is one of the key things in computing systems. If the system cannot detect errors, that causes a situation, in which the system makes huge mistakes. And in those cases is better to leave things undone that make errors.  When new types of neural- and morphing neural networks handle information from multiple sources, they must deny chaos in the system. Chaos is like a rush that stops everything. And that is the thing that complex systems must avoid. One of the most complex systems in the world is the human brain.  H

Tesla created a brand new code base for its new self-driving software.

When developers create new solutions, that process begins with the need to make something new. The new hardware with more powerful data handling tools makes it possible to create more advanced, perfect, and more effective software that supports new protocols better. And sooner or later developers must throw the old code base away. This thing is seen in the software development. When the physical machines's power rises, software gets new abilities that should make them more effective and versatile.  One of the AI-controlled driving system's purposes can be to fix errors. That driver makes.  The new autopilot software is more complicated and it can respond to new types of situations. The new automatic drive software recognizes things like speed limits and adjusts the vehicle's speed following those instructions. The systems can communicate with other vehicles and traffic control computers, which allows them to avoid rush hour and rush places. The ability to communicate with o

Swirling photons can make an advance to quantum computing.

"A novel vortex phenomenon involving photon interactions was identified by scientists, potentially enhancing quantum computing. Through experiments with dense rubidium gas, they observed unique phase shifts that mimic other vortices but are distinct in their quantum implications. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Vortex Power: The Swirl of Light Revolutionizing Quantum Computing) Photonic whirls can act as pillars and quantum superposition entanglement can made between those pillars. If we think that light is fluid, and there are whirls in that fluid, we can make the ultimate quantum computers. Maybe researchers can use formulas created for models to simulate the fluid or water molecule behavior for the model of photons interacting in 3D space. Whirls are easy to create in fluid, but photons are much faster and smaller than water molecules. That makes it hard to control photons.   In the case where the system uses formulas, made to predict fluid behavior. The quantum f

Photonic microchips and spintronics can revolutionize computing and material research.

 Researchers created the world's first universal, programmable photonic microchip.  "A team from Universitat Politècnica de València and iPRONICS has developed the world’s first programmable and multifunctional photonic chip, enhancing data flow management in telecommunications and AI systems. (Artist’s concept). Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Future of AI and 5G: Scientists Develop the First Universal, Programmable, and Multifunctional Photonic Chip) This new microchip is a powerful system. That can be a breakthrough in binary and quantum computers, and it can act as a base for the new AI-driven computing architecture. The microchip-based AI is a tool that can create new robots, mobile applications, and many other things possible. The new phonic microchips can operate the ultra-secured data communication lines.  And the new 5- and 6G mobile architectures require this kind of application. That can share data with different routes. The system can send part of

The dark matter can be a gravity effect that forms without mass.

The key question in dark matter is, what put gravity fields into motion? Some researchers suggest that the changes in spacetime curvature are the things that make gravity waves move.  A new theory suggests that gravity is possible without mass. And that is an exciting new model for dark matter. Researcher Richard Lieu from Alabama State University suggests that dark matter is a distortion in 3D spacetime.  In this model, the third dimension is like the quantum jelly or a very large, and thick wave movement. Those waves' thickness is so large, that the entire universe fits in it. If there are lower energy fields in some areas, that can make energy travel in them. In some models, the electromagnetic radiation can turn straight to the other type of wave movement.  If counterwaves impact those electromagnetic- or quantum fields they can stretch or gather those waves. That means there is the possibility that impacting waves can turn radio waves or gamma rays into gravity waves. The idea

What if researchers can transform infrared radiation into radiowaves or visible light?

Brand new wave-based model for heat transport.  "Researchers from the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow have applied the Doppler effect and the telegraph equation to explore heat transport in complex systems like biological tissues. Their findings suggest that heat transport can exhibit wave-like behaviors, potentially revolutionizing medical and cosmetic procedures by improving heat management techniques. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Previous Understanding – Physicists Propose a Wave-Based Theory of Heat Transport) Photon polarization is a situation. Where the system removes some of its circular- or superpositions. Photon polarization is the quantum version of classic polarization. "Photon polarization is the quantum mechanical description of the classical polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. An individual photon can be described as having right or left circular polarization, or a superposition of the two. Equivalently, a photon can

New viruses can be a threat.

"New research from King’s College London has discovered that ancient viral DNA sequences, known as Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs), are expressed in the brain and contribute to psychiatric disorder susceptibility. The study revealed that specific HERVs are associated with increased risks of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. " (ScitechDaily, Study: Remnants of Ancient Viruses in Human DNA Related to Schizophrenia and Depression) "The research analyzed extensive genetic data and autopsy brain samples to uncover these associations. The findings suggest that understanding the role of these viral sequences in brain function could revolutionize mental health research and lead to new treatment and diagnostic methods. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Study: Remnants of Ancient Viruses in Human DNA Related to Schizophrenia and Depression)  New viruses can be a threat.  But they can also be an opportunity to make new gene therapies.  Researchers d

The problem with fusion energy is simple: how to control 150 million degrees plasma?

"Recent research has revealed that a photon’s polarization is a topological property that remains constant across different environments, an insight that could enhance fusion research by improving the design of light beams used in plasma heating. Credit: SciTechDaily" (ScitechDaily, Photon Polarization: The Next Breakthrough in Fusion Technology?) The AI can control fusion. And the Princeton researchers made a big work with the AI and its ability to control high-temperature systems. AI is a tool that can control the magnetic fields and plasma-energy interactions with a very high accuracy. The form of fusion reactor is forming. The most promising version is the Tokamak. The Tokamak reactor is a donut-shaped accelerator. In that reactor, magnetic field and laser rays push plasma into high pressure and raise its temperature to 150 million degrees Celsius.  The problem is this. The system must compensate for the pressure in the sun's nucleus. The system raises plasma temperat

Thinking is a more complicated thing than we imagined.

"Researchers discovered waves of blood flow across the mouse brain cortex, which could help mix brain fluids and remove waste, potentially protecting against diseases like Alzheimer’s. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Scientists Uncover Hidden Waves in Brain Blood Flow) For a long time, researchers have known that neurons interact or cooperate with immune cells. Researchers found hidden waves in the mouse's brain's blood flow. That means. Other cells can play a far bigger role in the thinking process. Than we ever imagined.  If researchers create a way to reprogram immune cells, that makes a new model for medicines. If immune cells could carry neurotransmitters, they can transport memories and reactions that offer new treatments for fixing neural damage.  Also, the ability to program the immune system gives fundamental visions for many things. Programmed immune cells can remove so-called zombie cells. And that offers a new way