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Photonic microchips and spintronics can revolutionize computing and material research.

 Researchers created the world's first universal, programmable photonic microchip. 

"A team from Universitat Politècnica de València and iPRONICS has developed the world’s first programmable and multifunctional photonic chip, enhancing data flow management in telecommunications and AI systems. (Artist’s concept). Credit:" (ScitechDaily, The Future of AI and 5G: Scientists Develop the First Universal, Programmable, and Multifunctional Photonic Chip)

This new microchip is a powerful system. That can be a breakthrough in binary and quantum computers, and it can act as a base for the new AI-driven computing architecture. The microchip-based AI is a tool that can create new robots, mobile applications, and many other things possible. The new phonic microchips can operate the ultra-secured data communication lines. 

And the new 5- and 6G mobile architectures require this kind of application. That can share data with different routes. The system can send part of the data using data cables, and part of the message travels in different wavelengths through the air. This thing makes it extremely hard for eavesdroppers to read the message. 

"Spintronics is a promising field aimed at surpassing conventional electronics by leveraging the electron’s intrinsic spin, aiming to control spin currents for reduced power usage and faster, non-volatile operations with new functionalities. The detection and understanding of spin currents are complex, involving macroscopic voltage measurements and an in-depth understanding of material properties at different temperatures. Recent research has shed light on how spin currents can be predicted and manipulated based on the magnetic properties of materials, revealing the importance of understanding magnetic behaviors and temperature variations for advancing spintronics. Credit: SciTechDaily.coim" (ScitechDaily, Spin Secrets Unlocked: New Milestone in Spintronics Could Revolutionize Electronics)

"Spintronics (a portmanteau meaning spin transport electronics, also known as spin electronics, is the study of the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices. The field of spintronics concerns spin-charge coupling in metallic systems; the analogous effects in insulators fall into the field of multiferroics." (Wikipedia, Spintronics) And the smallest possible electric component is the single electron. This thing means that spinning electrons (or protons) can form the smallest possible spintronics. 

Another new tool for communication is spintronics. The fast-spinning electrons can create channels through the air. And that makes it easier to make quantum entanglement through those channels. The quantum channels can also make it possible to create an error-free communication channel for lasers and other things. Those channels or electromagnetic wormholes protect information that travels through the air or electromagnetic fields. 

Spintronics are new tools for new quantum materials, with unlimited possibilities. In some visions, the spintronics that are in the graphene structure can used to create the ultimate armor. In the most futuristic visions, the spintronics can create the quantum version of reactive armor. The spintronics conducts energy beams to the objects that come to the target. 

And then those energy pikes destroy the object. In some other models, spintronics creates electromagnetic fur that pushes incoming radiation away. That kind of thing can used in fusion tests or weapon and counter-weapon solutions. That protects objects against electromagnetic radiation. 

Researchers can use spintronics to create holes for energy in the materials. The energy holes offer a place where the energy that impacts the material can travel.  It's possible to use those energy holes. Created using spintronics to make new stealth and ultra-hard armor. 

Those energy holes or energy wells can collect electromagnetic and even mechanical stress. And then there could be some structure, with ultra-low energy level, that forces energy to travel in a certain direction in those energy wells. These kinds of things are interesting ways to think, about how the same thing can used for many purposes.


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