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Have you been in this situation, where all choices would be wrong?

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Have you ever been in the situation, that your boss would give you the offer, that something, what has been done would be let be, and if you would be silent, you would keep your job? Probably that would seem like the wise choice, but your situation is very bad because your boss would probably kick you off anyway, and the secrecy contract would only protect that person.

The reason for making the bad contracts is that the boss or other offenders would offer something, what is not out of question in that situation. But how can we recognize the form, what makes bad contracts with the workers? The first alarm that the culture in the firm is very bad is that the interviewer asks, what are your family relationships. Those things have nothing to do with the working, and sometimes that question is actually for collecting the information, what can be guessed from the spouses.

That thing might seem very interesting, but sometimes those companies want to ask about the mental situation about those workers. And that information would be used to taking the property from that person. The information is actually the property and in sometimes the persons, who are fishing the information uses the mental disorders to get the passwords to that targeted person's personal files like diaries, and the excuse for that might be, that this person would write too much.

And there is the risk about suicide. When we are thinking about that kind of reasons and chances for getting the information about bank accounts and other confidential things, the information would be meant for the honeypot. The term means the information, what seems like very intelligent and qualified, but the files are pure grab.

When we are looking at the Internet, we might notice, that there are been many writings about Chinese hackers, who would be got the information about top secret files of the United States military forces. Those files could be also hoaxed, what has the purpose to uncover the officers or other personnel, who leaks those informative files to the net.

The same methodology would be used in the other organizations. There is always data, what can help to locate the leaker in the seconds. And some of those files consisted the data, what is also faked. If somebody steals the drawings of the warship from the server of the military forces, that would mean that those vessels are totally unsuitable in the military usage, or they can be dangerous for the users.

Some of the stolen papers would involve the viruses, and those data viruses can sometimes collect themselves together for very complicated software, what can steal information from the network, and in the real war situation that software can destroy entire network from the information when the user of that virus would send the activation code. The idea of that STEALTH-virus is the same as T-1000 from the "Terminator movie".

Those small bits of code can form very large and complicated software when they are connecting together. In this case, the program bits is the control code, what helps them to find the right place in the structure.  And in the wildest dreams that computer virus, what bases the artificial intelligence can take the control of the strategic nuclear missiles, and shoot them to own cities.

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