"Inspired by Kintsugi, scientists at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a method to manage plasma in fusion reactors by utilizing magnetic field imperfections, enhancing stability and paving the way for more reliable and efficient fusion power. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" (ScitechDaily.com,Ancient Japanese Art Inspires Next-Gen Fusion Reactor Breakthrough) During fusion tests, high-energy plasma travels in the particle accelerator. The problem with fusion is that this plasma is monotonic. There is only one type of ion. The system must press those ionized atoms against each other where their cores melt to new elements. During that process deuterium and tritium turn into helium. In some models, tritium is replaced by helium 3. The big problem is this: when a fusion reaction ignites. That energy impulse pushes plasma away. That impulse breaks entirety. So there should be some pockets, where the energy impulse can go. Or it breaks the ion ring. The dis...