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Positive thinking of studies and the international court.

"Country choristers"
Edward Bird

Kimmo Huosionmaa

The process of learning is like stairs. It continues by the life. The first steps are dangerous, and walking thru the stairs would the man stronger and this person gets more self-esteem during that process. When we are thinking about science, we must say that there would need much motivation to learn many things in the real life. And here we always think that learning process is always some kind of race to get the top university and the top place in that society.

The most important way to make the studies motivated is to give positive feedback. Many times the feedback is limited to mistakes of the person, and this way to give feedback normally kills the motivation. Why is it so difficult to say something positive to other people? Does it give that person the motivation to be social for other people? When the person gets only bad feedback will the results be devastating for this person social skills, that seems to be the most important thing in working life.

Then we are thinking about the situation, where the person gets only negative feedback about the things what our main character does, would the result be, that the person doesn't even want to develop the social skills. The social skills are things, what needs practice. And if only feedback would be negative, the person would be transformed negative. The negative things will make all the person like some anti-personality, and this would be the very dangerous thing.

If somebody would give the wrong feedback in the wrong situation, that thing would make that person the radical and realistic character, and this is the reason, why some persons would turn to members of the fundamentalist groups. That wrong positive feedback is common, that when the person is lonely, would some radical man or woman give the simple explanation for this people situation.

Feedback what prosecutes some foreigners about the bad situation would cause the thing that somebody would turn to radicalism. And this happens in the situation, where somebody would be left alone. There would be the mechanism inside the human mind, that the individual has the need to be the member of the group. And this would be the very sad thing, if the only group, what accepts the person is some radical nazis or group of fundamentalist, that would be the very dangerous situation in the people life.The influence of groups would make the person do things, what that individual ever thought to make.

Every person in the world makes mistakes, and that is the thing, what we must realize. If the person doesn't make mistakes, that person would ever do anything. And this is the danger of negative feedback. Then the person hears only negative things about the work, would that cause the situation, where this person would not even want to try to do anything. The afraid of failures can cause the situation, where the person doesn't even want to get the job because the workplace would not give that worker anything than negative things.

And that would give the reason to hanging in the shopping centers and asking for troubles, what would get the person to the criminal activities and prison. This kind of things are the most dangerous things because those persons might make violent crimes, and the victims of the violence don't care who was guilty. From the grave would nobody come to say how grateful they are about the penalties and officials. The racism is the very good tool to collect the nation behind the military actions. And that would also the good thing to control people mind to convict that everybody who is stamped as the enemy is the same kind of person, what made some terrorist attack.

Every Muslim is always terrorist, and every foreigner is always the potential terrorist. When somebody kills the citizens of some state, that state has the obligation to defend the citizens. And this is the conflict with international law. If the maker of the terrorist attack has other nationality and that state would not admit this suspect to justice, that would cause the war. When we are talking about the tolerance of nuclear powers, we must say that the other nations are very tolerated, when the suspect is the citizen of the state, what has the big nuclear arsenal. But if suspect comes from Muslim state, would the tolerance be very small for military actions.

And that would cost lives on both sides. The problem of terrorist attacks is that those suspects are not prosecuted in international court. And they would not even get stable handling for their cases. Of course, the terror bombings must also convicted. But the makers of those actions don't let their military men justify in international court. This is very fair because here are the nations, what would get judgments in those courts, but they don't care them at all. They say that national law is always over those international courts, and they don't ever follow the judgments of those courts, and this is the problem with those tribunals. They don't have the force to order states to follow their orders, and without the support of superpowers, those attempts to force other nations to follow the judgments are doomed to fail.


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